
Tier1 is a practical bunch of thinkers and doers with backgrounds in large-scale projects, cyber security and specialist I.T. services. We’ve been your kind of people from the start.


2023 - 2024



Project Type

Rebrand + Website UX/UI Design


Lead Designer

Project Overview

Repositioning Tier1 as the primary industry’s I.T. specialists

Our team was asked to help differentiate Tier1’s offering within a saturated managed I.T. services market. Rather than fight against the masses, we repositioned them with a focus on catering to the primary industries. Already having two rural offices and feet on the ground, it was a smart pivot to establish a foothold in a constantly growing sector.


Position Tier1 as an enabler of AgriTech and preferred managed I.T. service provider for the North Island.

My Responsibilities

Full Brand Refresh
Brand Guidelines
Website UX/UI Design
Social Media Content

Full Rebrand

We’re rolling up our sleeves to support the backbone of NZ

I led the design of a new brand that was heavily inspired by the agriculture, fisheries and dairy sectors. It’s a brand that’s familiar and friendly. It’s down to earth, avoiding the perception of being city folk who don’t understand the primary industries.

Colour Palette

The Tier1 primary colours are dark green, representing the earth – fostering connection and giving a feeling of harmony. Yellow for the sun – the starting point for all primary industries. And light green, for the flora and fauna, representing growth. Secondary colours include light blue for the oceans, brown for the soil, and red for the produce and products, earth’s abundance that we’ll be helping the primary industries pass on to Kiwis and the rest of the world.


Manrope is a modern and versatile sans-serif font that features a unique, geometric design. It's an excellent choice for UI design, as it offers both legibility and personality.

Logo Development

I.T. is one of the core building blocks for a successful business, in our case, for a successful company in the primary industries. It’s the base, something you build off of. Then comes the aspiration. Forward-movement. Growth. It’s the feeling of empowering your business with I.T. Seeing what it can do for you.

It’s not replacing parts of your business, it’s enabling you to operate in ways you couldn’t have before. It’s not ending your tried and true methods, it’s ensuring you can continue doing them and pass them onto the next generation. It’s future-proofing you – making sure you don’t get left-behind. And with Tier1, it’s having all of this done by a partner that is local and actually understands you as a person – not just a client.

Framing Device

The icon logo can be used as a framing device to add another level of communication. It feels light and stops images or bodies of text from looking flat. The composition gives that feeling of upward movement and growth.  

Website UX/UI Design

Giving the primary industries a reason to trust I.T. providers

I was responsible for creating the new Tier1 website with the aim of speaking directly to the primary industries in a way they understand, but more importantly, trust. It shows real people, doing real work – out in the field or in the factories. I led the way in shaping this direction which truly established a point of difference in a saturated market of managed I.T. service providers.

Component Styling

The overall feeling of the Tier1 website is very earthy. It utilises a range of green and yellow hues and when combined with photography of people getting stuck into work, gives the audience a reason to trust that we know what we’re doing.

Load and scrolling animations are used to add a level of delight to the experience and a large collection of category icons are used to better communicate the service offering.


Project status

Project is live!

Please visit the nearest store of Max or Lifestyle in order to use the application. The application can be accessed by scanning the QR code placed inside the stores.

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