Stack Digital

Transforming Kiwi businesses through digital infrastructure and leading tech.




Stack Digital

Project Type

Rebrand + Website UX/UI Design


Lead Designer

Project Overview

Designing an engaging new brand and website for Stack Digital

Our team was asked by Stack Digital to breathe some life into their brand. We worked to confidently define their service offering and shape their mission, communicating this through a new brand story, visual identity and website.


To revitalise Stack Digital’s service offering and amplify their digital presence.

My Responsibilities

Full Brand Refresh
Brand Guidelines
Website UX/UI Design
Slide Deck Template
Social Media Content

Full Rebrand

When it comes to I.T., playing it safe is a good thing

Designing a refreshed brand identity focused on the idea that safe isn’t boring. It starts with a blueprint of your systems. Researching and assessing risks to create bespoke solutions. And never takes shortcuts – optimising your business with every new insight.  

Colour Palette

Orange was an important part of the original Stack Digital brand so it has been carried through as a nod to consistency. Though a different shade of orange, it stands out from the rest of the market and combined with the ivory yellow gives a confident impression. This pairing is set against the midnight green which is calming and friendly.


DM Sans is a low-contrast geometric sans-serif font. It feels very modern and has a lot of character to it which adds to the warmth and friendliness of the brand – something that is much needed in the cold world of B2B technology.

Logo Development

The new Stack Digital logo was developed to maintain some brand legacy. It features the primary orange, and is only made up of 3 circles, like the existing logo – a large circle at the top and at the bottom, with a smaller circle with adjusted corners to create the cut out of the D. The overall form of the logo is reminiscent of the Yin & Yang, which is a symbol for calm, trust, and safety – like our brand story.

The meaning of the logo is inspired by the digital optimisation loop. We’re here to improve the digital health of our clients. That starts with the insight, the smaller circle. Then comes the action, the directional movement. And lastly the outcome, the top part of the logo, elevating the client and propelling them forward.

Illustration Style

The Stack Digital illustration style features characters acting out a range of activities related to business and emotion. It doesn’t show a person. It shows the idea of a person. You can see yourself as that person, doing that activity, feeling those feelings.

Service Offering

By using photography to communicate the Stack Digital service offering, we could tap into the emotional outcome we wanted the audience to feel when considering using each service. Viewers need to feel confident that Stack Digital is a safe bet when looking to improve their digital systems.

This was paired with copy that turned complicated tech jargon into simplified, approachable language.

Website UX/UI Design

A digital presence to match digital expertise

I led the website design, highlighting the idea that when it comes to your business' tech, safe is the best option. We looked to break down what could be considered a vague idea of digital optimisation into actionable and tangible outcomes. This was paired with the new brand to ensure users have a palatable way to digest tech jargon.

Component Styling

The website styling follows a minimal and clean aesthetic. It utilises the brand illustrations throughout in order to create seamless flows of storytelling. There are a mix of light and dark backgrounds, all anchored by the striking Stack orange for buttons and headings.


Project status

Project is live!

Please visit the nearest store of Max or Lifestyle in order to use the application. The application can be accessed by scanning the QR code placed inside the stores.

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