Ouro Energy

Ouro brings much-needed accountability to the renewable energy industry. We are transforming renewable energy from an energy source full of assumptions and uncertainty, into a blockchain-verified asset. Delivering trust, transparency, and clarity to a previously opaque market.




Ouro Energy

Project Type

New Brand Identity + Website UX/UI Design


Lead Designer

Project Overview

Build a new brand, website and GTM strategy for a blockchain start-up

We were approached to put together a new brand and digital presence for a start-up that we named Ouro. It aims to revolutionise the renewable energy sector by using blockchain technology to verify data for solar energy production. So, if a business was to purchase carbon credits, they will know for certain which individual solar panel produced the offset. No more guess work.


Create a brand and website that will enable Ouro to communicate their new technology to solar farm owners and investors, with the goal of gaining interest and investment in developing their product.

My Responsibilities

New Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines
Website UX/UI Design
Investor Pitch Deck
Investor Prospectus
Social Media Content

New Brand Identity

A brand that emulates the sun, its energy and its optimism

I led the way in creating a new brand from scratch. This included naming, logo, full brand guidelines and digital presence.

Colour Palette

The Ouro yellow is a direct representation of the sun and its energy. The navy and teal colours are a reference to other renewable energy sources such as wind and hydro. The overall feeling is positive and open to convey authenticity.


The typeface used for the Ouro brand is Figtree. The semibold weight is used for headings. It evokes a feeling of directness, boldness and as a strong sans-serif is considered a modern font. As we are in the renewables business and using the latest blockchain technology to power the product, we want to give viewers the feeling that we are future-focused, not traditional.

Logo Development

The Ouro logo was designed to emulate a celestial body, like the sun, floating in the sky and giving a feeling of renewal. The overall form is an abstraction of the infinity snake a.k.a. the ouroboros representing the relatively infinite nature of the sun’s energy. There are two cut-outs shaped like blockchain nodes, communicating the technology behind the product.

Website UX/UI Design

Introducing solar energy's data revolution

I led the website project with a focus on sharing in-depth information about Ouro’s new technology to solar farm owners and potential investors. As a first in the renewables sector, the ability to record energy production transactions on the blockchain required some education around the process, outcomes and positive benefits.

Component Styling

The overall style of the Ouro website was inspired directly by tech start-up and app websites. Illustrations are used where possible to break down the complicated technology into digestible chunks.

UX/UI Design

The Ouro website required a general overview homepage, product page, a page aimed directly at solar farm owners, and a page directed at investors. Users can read through the homepage and get a good idea for what Ouro is and how it can impact them, depending on what their role is. They can then delve deeper into the technology, reading about the existing solar farms that are part of the Ouro network.


Project status

Project is live!

Please visit the nearest store of Max or Lifestyle in order to use the application. The application can be accessed by scanning the QR code placed inside the stores.

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